Health Policy

Updated 2/10/2022

Salina Art Center is working to provide a healthy environment for everyone. Information and best practices evolve as discussions continue at all levels of leadership and participation. We continue to comply with best practices identified by the CDC, CinemaSafe, and local health organizations. We also respect your right to make decisions independently, including the decision to participate in Art Center programming and protect yourself while doing so.  

We believe in diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion. We do not have a mask or vaccination requirement to participate in Art Center programs or events. However, we strongly encourage everyone to follow basic guidelines to create a healthy environment for everyone.

·         Get a COVID-19 vaccine. The CDC continues to recommend masks and social distancing for unvaccinated people.

·         Wash your hands often with plain soap and water.

·         Cover your mouth and nose with a mask when around others.

·         Practice social distancing (stay at least 6 feet apart from others).

·         Ask staff to wear a mask if it helps you feel more comfortable.

·         Don't visit the Galleries, Cinema, or Education Studio (or attend a special event) if you are not feeling well, have symptoms associated with Covid-19 or the Flu, or have been exposed to anyone who has been exhibiting symptoms.

When you visit an Art Center facility, we:

·         Strongly encourage staff to be vaccinated. The unvaccinated team members continue to wear masks.

·         Have increased the frequency of sanitation and cleaning procedures.

·         Stay home when we don't feel well.

·         Respect staff's rights to wear a mask if it helps them feel more comfortable.

·         Respect your decisions. There is no mandatory mask or vaccination policy at this time.

These guidelines are subject to change as we move through the pandemic as a community and adhere to science-based guidance provided by trusted experts in public health.